Hump Day!
First things first, my very good friend Amanda, has started her own blog! She is an artist extraordinary! She does embroidery, needlepoint, knitting and sewing to name a few! Also, she is finishing her Ph.D. in geology this fall, so go give her a pat on the back and say hello!!
Oh, and if you haven't voted in the final contest yet, you have one last chance! Please go to the Puuurfect Kitty contest to vote for Soma in the finals! Yahoo! I hope she wins!
As for some knitting news, I bought more yarn! (No, I did really knit... I finished my Secret Project for my SP5 pal)! I gave into the Wavy Skirt due to how gorgeous her skirt came out! I love it! However, I am not a pink person, so I decided to go with these blues, a banana yellow, and jungle green. So, can anyone guess what the main color is going to be out of these 5 colors?! I do have to give credit to her for helping me decide....
I also wanted to post these too! I made them a while ago and found the pictures today. I made the set of kitty ones for Blossom and the diner set for Kirsten (don't those fit her blog!?).
As for the next few days, bear with me... I am going to be making the long trek down to NJ and Long Island for a family wedding! Scott and I are heading down to his dad's house tomorrow afternoon to hang out there for a couple of days before Saturday's affair. Then, Sunday I get to meet her, before we head back up to Boston! On Monday, I might even get to hang out with her too! Anyways, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I will try to write from NJ on Friday!